3 Huge Mistakes To Avoid This Easter


Communications plays a vital role in the growth of your church. Many churches celebrate the increase in their attendance at Easter but fail to seize the opportunity that presents itself with visitors show up.

Here are three huge mistakes I see churches make around Easter.

Mistake #1 Don’t invite people back

I don’t know about you, but I love being invited to things. There is a sense of belonging I get when someone makes an effort to reach out to me. And it’s the same for churches.  When we invite people back some people will actually come back. You can put into your communications schedule:

Verbally – Include in your order of service an invite to the next series, connections space and course like Alpha.

Written – Have a focussed message on an Easter news sheet/bulletin inviting people to come again

Follow up – Pre-prepare emails, letters, postcards that your welcome team can email or post out to people who have left their details.

Mistake #2 Don’t help people get connected

Many churches don’t have an easy go-to list of opportunities for people to connect into their church community. Depending on the size of your church you may want to print a list of groups and insert it into your news sheet, or if you have an online group finder you can invite people along to find a group near then.

While placing people into groups isn’t a communications role, you have the strategic vision to see how good communications can help people get connected deeper into your church community.

You may also have their contact details. Again in partnership with your welcome or small group teams, create a warm email or letter inviting them to step into your community and tell them how they can do that.

Mistake #3 Don’t have a relational connection space

This is huge. While it isn’t strictly a communications role. The way churches collect information has to change and adapt to the culture around them. When new people come to your services they are much less likely to fill in a contact card without a prompt, or some kind of personal connection with someone who then asks them for their contact details. We are so much more protective of our personal data than ever before. We are always more suspicious of how the personal information is going to be used.

By creating a warm inviting area where new people can find out more about your church over a cup of tea or coffee and a few treats, you actually increase the likelihood of their stick-ability. Not only is it a great way to help people feel connected in a way that no Facebook post or letter will ever do, but I’ve never had any yet turn my request down for their personal contact details after chatting with them for 10 minutes.

Wrapping up

Good communications can help church leaders be more strategic in so many ways. By adding value in these ways you build trust and your leadership will see you in a different way. Hopefully, you’ll no longer just be the go-to person for designing something they need yesterday, but someone who they lean into for strategic support.

Be the advocate for the visitor. Only great things can come from it.

Gaining momentum from Easter is so much more than just the Easter week. There is so much good preparation work a church can do ahead of time. Here are the Top Five Communications Questions Your Church Should Be Asking Before Easter.

Your turn

How do provide communications support at Easter? Do you have any ideas to add? Or do you have questions? Comment below!

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