4 Simple Steps To Get 1,000 Fans On Your Facebook Page
Every church starts out on Facebook with zero followers. We did back in the day. I remember it well. Our church’s Facebook page now has over 108,000 followers on it (Years of hard work). Here are some of the simple hacks that are still around to reach more people faster.
Firstly, I don’t like the word fan. but that’s what Facebook calls it. I prefer community.
Before some of you say it. Yes, you can get to one thousand. You just have to spread the message far and wide in these steps. Don’t be shy. And repeat the process a few times if you want to.
Step #1 Fill in all your details
It can include:
- About section
- Website URL
- Profile picture & cover photo/video
- Profile theme or template
- Call-to-action button
- Address
- Long description and mission
- Phone number and/or email address
- Create several updates so there is content on the page
To look like the legitimate page for your church you need to fill out all the contact details and don’t forget to post some up-to-date content on the page. If you want some ideas about the best kinds of posts for your Facebook page, read this blog post.
Don’t forget to create your header banner. This can be a photo of your community. Don’t put your church building there!
Step #2 Invite your personal friends
On your page you can choose the option to invite your friends along. Browse through your friend list and invite those who you think would be interested.
Once you reach 25 followers this allows you to get a vanity URL like this.
Step #3 Invite your church
Once you’ve done that you can also email your staff or volunteers and church congregation to share the page link. Having the vanity URL will give make the page feel more legitimate.
You can also share it on your public personal feed again. Don’t forget to keep the post you create a public post, not friends only so when people engage with the post more people can see it.
Step #4 Add Facebook buttons to your website
By embedding Facebook buttons on your landing page and your highest visited pages you will naturally increase your page likes. Check out the different options on the Facebook developers site here.
Don’t forget to post frequently while you are doing this and post the kinds of post that more people will engage with and also spread the word by doing so. Read more about the best kinds of posts here.
Improve your social media skills with my Free Webinar
Want to take your Facebook skills to the next level? Join me for a FREE webinar. Find out more here.
Your turn
Got questions or queries or any tips? Leave a comment below.
Do you have any ideas or tips on how to translate FB likes into actual church membership and weekly service engagement?