9 Quick And Easy Ways To Improve Your Facebook Ad Results


Over the Christmas season I think my Facebook feed had the most ads in it I have ever seen. What does that mean for those of us who are running ads. It means more competition for our audience’s attention. It also means we have to get smarter to get noticed.

Many miss some of the basic principles that will improve your adverts performance and results. Here are nine that I can think of off the top of my head:

1) Start with the end in mind. Do you want clicks to your website? New likes? Subscribers to your email?

2) Your creative should support your goal. It needs to make sense for the viewer to take the next step.

3) Break down your ad creative development into three components.

a) Headline

b) Photo (or videos)

c) Call to action button (really important that you add this as it will increase your engagement)

If you want some more help with the creative, check out this Facebook Ads template example that I wrote about late last year. I have heard some great feedback from those that have used it!

4) Think about your audience very carefully. If you are advertising to a new (cold) audience your church may come across as spammy. If you want to learn more about choosing the right audience, read my post here.

5) Edit your ad placements in Facebook Ads Manager. If budget for your ad spend is small switch off all the other ad network ads and Instagram and focus on the news feed only.

6) Budget & Schedule – Allow 3-4 days for before you review your ad performance. Always set finish date.

7) Optimise for link click – Depending on your goal, you will spend less money and reach more people if you only need to pay Facebook for link clicks.

8) Use URLs that people can understand and therefore trust. Your audience won’t click through on links they don’t trust such as bit.ly links.

9) Once your ad is up and running. Check the relevance score in Facebook ads manager. This is one measure where you will be able to see whether your ad is the right ad for the audience you are targeting.

Your Turn

Got any questions or tips for those who are creating Facebook Ads? Comment below.

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