The Biggest Ever Facebook Newsfeed Update (And What It Means For Your Facebook Page)


Mark Zuckerberg just announced the biggest ever update to your Facebook News Feed.

And it isn’t good news for anyone who has a Facebook page.

Before I go into detail about the update, rewind a few years. When a page used to post, individuals who were following that page would see all of the posts that a page would post.

But slowly and surely Facebook has been ‘throttling back’ how many people see a post from a Facebook page account.

Over the last few years less and less people have been engaging with pages as the famous Facebook throttle news feed has increased.

Earlier this year some countries had a sneak peek of this upcoming update and people who had Facebook pages in those countries reported almost a major drop again in their reach into people’s feeds.

I’ve said for a few years now that we need to treat Facebook just like any other communications channel and be prepared to pay to be seen. The future business model of Facebook was clear for me. Let me explain.

Facebook is now becoming like a TV station. No brand, non-profit, blogger, community organisation will eventually get free views in people’s feeds. Almost all posts will become paid only. Just like commercials on TV. Sure if you want to be seen you pay for your 30 second slot. On Facebook it will be exactly the same.

Pay. To. Be. Seen.

Read Mark’s update on Facebook here.

Check out in-depth Social Media Examiner’s take on this update on their video report and the implications for pages which I shared onto my Facebook page here. It’s only 10 minutes long and well worth a look.

Here is one powerful way to get all of your Facebook pages posts seen first every single time a person logs onto Facebook.

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