Three Huge Changes To Google AdWords Grant For Non-Profits
Did you know that if you are a registered charity/non-profit you may be eligible for a USD$10,000 per month Google AdWords free Grant?
There are no catches or up-selling tricks.That’s $120,000 of free advertising for your charity/non-profit/church each year.
I applied a few years back when I was setting up a online church for the church I used to serve at. Once it was up and running I hired a brilliant AdWords specialist who got all the campaigns running. And bingo! The traffic started coming in (Read my original post about Google AdWords Grant here).
Since that time Google AdWords Grant has been tweaked a few times, but very recently Google has announced a very big change that will impact any charity/non-profit/church that is using it.
If you don’t meet the criteria that Google has implemented you may be at risk of losing your Google AdWords Grant all together. Briefly they are:
1. You need to adjust your campaigns to achieve a 5% click through rate (CTR). If you have campaigns that well below that rate switch them off and work at the ones that are close to that rate to get them over the 5% CTR required. If you don’t reach the 5% CTR for two months Google will pause (read suspend) your account.
2. You will need geo-targeting switched on. That means if you only have a local or national presence then you need to focus on that. Click throughs from other countries will work against you (Don’t ask me how they know this, but they clearly can figure it out).
3. You will need at least two active groups per campaign with keywords that have a quality score of at least three (Here is a great explanation of what the quality score is). And have at least two ad groups in that zone with two active text ad and two sitelink ad extensions.
Read the full text here from the Google Ad Words team. Apparently these changes came into effect on January 1st 2017 so if you haven’t implemented any of them you need to get a move on!
Again, if the grant is new news for you and want the free grant, read why your church or non-profit should apply for a google grant here.
(HT: Thanks for the heads up Kyle).
We’ve had our ads stopped because of these issues (I suppose). We applied for and got the grant, but getting me trained on AdGrants/AdWords has not been a priority. We are an all volunteer organization with two of us running everything. So, though we had several ads I fiddled with occasionally, I didn’t really know what I was doing. Now that we’ve had our account turned off (and I’m feeling wholly negligent and incapable), my question is “Now What?” Help?
Hi Kelli, find a good AdWords specialist. They will help you get back on the grant.
Hey Steve. Thanks so much for all of this information. Would you please send me a direct email and give me the name of your brilliant Google grants specialist or tell me how I can find such a person?
Hi Sandy, I can pass your name on. 🙂 Steve
Do you know of anyone that can help manage the ad words?