The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do With Your Marketing This Year
We are now three months into 2018. How’s it going? How’s your marketing and communications going so far?
With what I’m about to share next, some of you really, really need to hear this. Some of you are completing owning this concept and don’t this need bit of advice.
(In fact, some of you are wondering, where has Steve been in the first three months of this year? I’d been very much ‘head down, bottom up’ doing exactly what I’m about to share with you.)
I’ve been ‘taking imperfect action.’ Lots of it. Taking action in finding new social media clients. Taking action in launching new marketing and social campaigns.
In fact, my blog has been very much neglected. Not because I don’t want to share with you what I’ve been learning. I’ve just been WAY busy helping clients build their social media platforms. I’ve been training and coaching some. I’ve even started a role in a new sector I knew nothing about. But I’ve grown qualified inbound enquiries by 300%. Some of my freelance clients have grown their platforms by 30% in a month. Others have reached ten’s of thousands of people for the first time.
For some clients it hasn’t gone as well. But we took a shot. We took action. It wasn’t a home run. It was a start. They are out of the blocks and running.
Life is full on. But I’ve been hitting the work pavement very hard. And for the most part, I’m seeing results.
Because I’m taking imperfect action. I’m not scared to fail. I’m not scared to try. I’m not scared to launch.
I can’t remember who said it, but ‘we miss 100% of the shots we don’t take’. It also applies to your marketing efforts too.
Sure, you won’t get it right every time. It’s not all sunshine and lollipops. But don’t be paralysed by fear of failure, of the unknown. Whatever you do. Just start. Take imperfect action.
Here’s one way you can take action right now on social media.