How To Quickly Increase Your Facebook Video Views With A Facebook Watch Party


Have you ever been frustrated at the steep decline in the reach of Facebook Video and Facebook Live recently on your Church’s Facebook page?

I’ve noticed that the number of video views have been slowly declining over the last six months to a point now where they are throttled back as much as other types of posts.

Over two years ago I told everyone to use video as much as possible because there was a window of opportunity where Facebook was not throttling back the reach of any videos. Which meant compared to a picture post or a text post you would always reach more people.

I love finding potential opportunities that will help you increase the reach and engagement for your Facebook presence. Here is a great new social tactic that is on the horizon and will increase the views on your videos.

Step 1: Start a Facebook group for your church

If you haven’t already started a Facebook group for your church. Start one. Invite as many people as possible you know who are in your church into the group.

If you have a page with a large reach you will need to do this repeatedly. Another good tactic will be to also email your church to let them know that you are starting a group. A group is a great way to share inspiration, share community news that is relevant for your church community.

Step 2: Changing tactics. Groups vs Pages

I now recommend that churches have groups for internal communications and pages for outreach and engagement style posts. It’s not an ‘either or’ strategy, it’s a ‘both and’ recognising that both have different functions and advantages.

What is a Facebook Watch Party?

Facebook Watch parties is a feature currently being tested. Imagine your church’s Facebook group will be able to invite those in your group to watch any videos together. And provide lots of commenting and interaction.

The Admins of Facebook groups will be able to share public videos to the group and create the watch party. (Think watching a Sunday service together… hmmmm sound like church online anyone?)

As a new feature I know Facebook will be keen to have as many people as possible to use it so I know they won’t throttle it back.

You can still post your Facebook video or Facebook Live to your Facebook Page but you can then share it into the group and then create the watch party.

When will it arrive?

Facebook has been testing Watch Parties in some groups. My advice is to watch for the news. The earlier you can set up your Facebook group, the better. Get your congregation used to group life you’ll probably have a vibrant growing Facebook group that will be ready for the Watch Party. I mean church online. I mean watch party. You get the point.

You Turn

Got a question or a comment about Facebook Groups or Watch Parties? Comment below.


  1. Thank you fro sharing this info. As a pastor of a smaller church your blogs are very helpful. It takes time getting our people to adjust to different methods of communication and then things keep changing – that’s frustrating.

  2. I really appreciate your fresh ideas and; I have been able to apply them with some of the groups I lead at our church. We have had a very positive response from the applications you have suggested. Thank you and please keep the ideas coming!!

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