16 Of The Best Easter Instagram Posts By Churches

Yeah I know. Easter is over. It. Is. Finished. However after Easter is also the perfect time to check out what churches have been doing on their Instagram accounts throughout Easter.

I mean, everyone has given it their best shot right? All of the best social media videos, graphics and ideas are out there to enjoy and get inspiration for next Easter.

1. Sunday Social

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Jesus’ death destroyed the power of sin.

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I know right? Not a church. But Sunday Social IMHO create the best social media graphics out there for churches. Check out their website here.

2. Willow Creek Church

3. Sunday Social

4. The Well Sheffield

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Tomorrow is Good Friday. The day we remember Jesus dying on a cross, laying His life down for us. See Matthew 27:11-65 in the comments below to read what happened. So what’s happening at @wellsheffield to mark #GoodFriday? There’s a child friendly, family treasure hunt that starts at 10:30am at The Well, followed by a gathering at 12noon for a short reflective gathering – reminding ourselves of what it means that #Jesus died. There will be children’s activities in another room so everyone has space to engage with the depth of Good Friday in their own ways. Then at 7:30pm we host MORE – a time of worship and reflection in the cafe area. Visit the link in bio for all the activities and events happening over the weekend! ———————————————- #sheffieldissuper #ecclesallroad #hallamuni #sheffielduniversity #wellsheffield #hubtersbar #sharrow #broomhall #sheffieldstudents #ibelieveinsheffield

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I love what The Well have created throughout Easter. Check out my interview with their team about the story behind their website here.

5. C3 Church Australia

6. City On A Hill Church

The City On A Hill post is my cleverest and favourite Easter post for the interaction making sense with the season. Great job friends! Double tap to show your appreciation!

7. NewSpring Church

8. Experience Church

I included Experience church because I think they had some of the best and most original Easter branding. Check out their Easter website and others here.

9. Kingdom City Church

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‘Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach Your ways to those who don’t know You, and they will return to You.’ Psalm 51:12-13. – “This beautiful verse has been playing on my mind in the lead up to Easter — by just going back to the start of my journey with God and how much love I felt the very first moment I understood what Jesus did for me. My prayer is that over this Easter weekend people from every walk of life would be able to encounter that same love in their own personal way. The cross is for everyone, and there are so many opportunities for encounter.” – REPOST @shania.rachelle @kingdomcity.academy #thecrossisforeveryone #KingdomcityEaster

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10. Bayside Church

11. Church Of The Highlands

12. New Life Church

I love this video. Very creative animation and the simple still frame at the start really captured my attention.

13. Fellowship Church

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“Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. ’Hail, king of the Jews!’ they said. They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him” – Matthew 27:27-31. Join us at Klyde Warren Park today at 7pm for a time of community and reflection over the ultimate sacrifice — Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins.[Link in bio]

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14. Church On The Move

15. Manchester City Church

It wasn’t so much the actual Easter post that this church did that engaged with me, but the countdown to Easter. Loved the boldness of the graphics!

16. Hillsong Church

Read out my interview with Hillsong’s Creative Director about the story behind the Cross Equals Love Campaign here.

Your Turn

Found any Easter Instagram posts that are worth a shout out? Or other Easter social media posts in general. Leave a comment and a link below!

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