How To Plan, Launch, Lead And Grow Your Church Community With Facebook Groups

I’m SO excited to be able to share with you a very valuable resource with you. I’ve called the ebook ‘How To Plan, Launch, Lead And Grow Your Church Community With Facebook Groups’.
I wrote about why your church, non-profit or even business should pivot towards Facebook groups last week. Read Why Your Church Should Start A Facebook Group Right Now.
If you want more backstory read my post about what the mission change at Facebook and why you should work with the algorithm and not against it.
Read The Biggest Shift Facebook Has Made In The Last 5 Years That Will Impact Your Church Right Now.
I love a compelling ‘why’. But it’s not enough to stay with the ‘why’
We all need the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ to grow a community. It was generously created and supplied by amazing Nona Jones and the team from Facebook.
Download the ebook here.