12 Of The Best Post Ideas For Your Church’s Facebook Group

As I’ve mentioned before, Facebook is pivoting in it’s overall strategy away from Facebook pages towards Facebook groups.
With this pivot, comes a question. What kind of content is useful for groups?
Again think about your church strategy. If you want people to respond to faith for the first time, be baptised, step into community, give, go deeper in their exploration of the bible, they are great post ideas.
Keep the majority of your content centred around your strategy.
Well I’ve looked around different church’s Facebook groups and found some great post ideas that your church could use. And you’ll see that many are obviously connected to the overall strategy of the church.
Welcome messages
Facebook groups are a community space. So welcome your new members! Facebook actually has a tool that will allow you to automagically add your new member’s names.

Watch Online
Just because people are in Facebook groups, it doesn’t mean they are actually watching your sermons. Give them meaningful content from the life of your church.

Where are you watching from?
If your church is geographically spread out, or you have church online. This is a great question that can be asked in different ways.

Listen To Worship
Your church may be creating your own worship music. Groups are a great place to help people worship.

Event Invites

Help People Be Prayed For

Help People Get Connected Into Community

Get Your Leaders To Share A Devotional Thought

Share Testimonies

Community Questions
Large groups are hard to manage if you open them up to people introducing new posts on comment topics. But here is a great example of a question from a group member.

Invitation To Be Baptised

Engagement Question
Not every post has to be about a serious or spiritual nature. Lighthearted posts are also a great idea and can also create great community conversation.

Further Reading
The Biggest Shift Facebook Has Made In The Last 5 Years That Will Impact Your Church Right Now
Why Your Church Should Start A Facebook Group Right Now
How To Plan, Launch, Lead And Grow Your Church Community With Facebook Groups
Your Turn
I’ve just given you a few ideas for posts in your Facebook group. Have you got some post ideas that you want to share or questions about Facebook groups for your church? Comment below.