How To Get Notified When Another Church Launches An Ad On Facebook
Facebook’s advertising platform is very powerful and very effective. I’ve been very privileged to help many churches get started with their Facebook ads.
Facebook’s advertising platform has certainly matured over the years and I highly recommend it as a communications channel for churches to reach out into their community.
One of the questions I get asked is about the ads themselves. What is good creative. How do you write copy for them. Is video or a photo better?
I also get asked to share examples of what other churches are doing as well. I actually have a whole library full of them and share many of them in my Facebook Ads For Churches Course.
I love sharing hacks with you. This is a super sweet one.
Imagine there is a church that you admire, and especially admire how they use Facebook. Imagine that you could get notified every time they launch an ad.
Well now you can! I found this neat free tool that will email to you a notification once it’s been approved. Very, very cool.
The tool is called AdInBoxMe and was built by the PixelMe team (kudos team!).
Using Facebook’s Ad Library, which was rolled out to all Pages earlier this year, PixelMe’s new ‘AdInboxMe’ tool will email you an alert whenever another church launches a new Facebook ad campaign, helping you to stay up to date with what they are doing.
It’s a very simple and easy way to ensure you stay on top of what promotions other churches are running on Facebook. It’s basic, but it will be valuable because it’s saving you time in having to check back in on each Page’s Facebook Ad Library listing to keep up with any new campaigns.
Now I wish it would also email me a copy of the ad as well. It doesn’t go that far unfortunately but it emails you the activation notice which is very cool.
Don’t forget you can get actual copies of different churches Facebook ads in my course.
Learn more
Facebook Ads For Churches Course
So how do you assist our growing Church which is in both urban and rural? It has 2 different Ministries, viz.
1) Zion Hope Outreach has an Evangelistic Mission & Church-planting;
2) LIVING CHRIST CHURCH has the Shepherding Mission;