How to Recover Your Suspended Facebook Page

Do you have a Facebook Page? At some point your may have an issue because of one of the posts you have created. Or you may have an issue with the whole account.

I’ve seen in various Facebook groups various Facebook page admins cry out for urgent help because a video of their Sunday service they uploaded got taken down by Facebook. Or a Facebook Live of their Sunday service was also taken down mid-stream.

The best way to keep your Facebook page is to adhere to Facebook’s own policies in the first place.

Why would your Facebook page be banned?

There are many reasons for which your page can be shut down including:

1) Your Page does not follow Facebook Page guidelines

2) You do not adhere to Facebook contest guidelines

3) Your Page does not follow Facebook Advertising guidelines

Nobody’s perfect though right? We all make mistakes and sometimes it’s too late and your page has been taken down.

Automated Help

As you can imagine with the millions of Facebook pages and Ad accounts out there Facebook has automated the appeals process and help process. But you can escalate your help question by contacting them here.

You may need a Facebook Business Account to see this page, but it’s the best first step to potentially restoring your banned page. There are no guarantees of course that your page will be reinstated. But it is a good first step.

How to Recover a Suspended Facebook Ads Account

I found this excellent blog post from Social Media Examiner and having been through the process of getting an ad that had been suspended for no good reason (It was a victim of the automated approval process). I can say that this blog post pretty much has the same steps I undertook to get the ad I created approved.

While this article focuses on the Facebook Ads Manager there is also an appeals process for getting your Facebook page unsuspended. This process can be quite arbitrary and sometimes Facebook won’t give you any reasons and just point you to a general policy violations page.

You can read the excellent step-by-step article here.

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