12 Social Media Tips For Church Leaders
I've been around Twitter and Facebook for quite a while now and more recently Instagram. If I could hit the rewind button on some of the things I've done really badly I would. I've seen many church leaders use social media really well. However some pastors and leaders have well, ahem, sucked at it to be honest (myself included at times). Some haven't understood what social media really is and how to get maximum leverage from it.
Social media is a wonderful opportunity for church leaders, para-church leaders to build a platform of social influence that can extend well beyond the four walls of a Sunday experience. For example, it's an opportunity for your congregations to see what you do beyond Sundays during the week. It is also a savvy way for your church to move beyond the corporate church Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts and put a human and personal touch to everything that is social about the mission and vision of your church. This is an exciting opportunity not just for your senior leader but your whole church staff in personalising your church's social media influence.
If you are a church communications pro please pass these tips onto your church staff and leaders. Social media is simply the best way to extend and amplify your church's voice.
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