Are you?

  • New to your role in communications and are like whoa, what did I let myself in for?!
  • A Comm’s leader who feel like you have hit the ceiling and want to develop and grow your tactical and strategic thinking.
  • Feeling over your head in your communications role.
  • You have no systems in place to manage expectations and deliver on the endless number of requests.
  • You are a creative leader who wants to build your communications toolbox.
  • Overwhelmed anymore by flying solo. You want to learn how to build your team by recruiting, training and deploying skilled volunteers into service.
  • You are cruising not feeling like any work you are creating is challenging you.
  • A senior leader who wants to build and amplify their reach online.

Let me help you overcome your obstacles to achieve your goals.

Coaching outline

Before we meet you will receive an assessment tool so that we can focus in on the areas that matter to you the most.

Six x 60 minute one-on-one tailored coaching sessions personally led by Steven Fogg through online chat video like Zoom, Skype or Facetime.

Each coaching session will include practical takeaways and resources that you will be able to implement.

Session 1: assessment

Share what is working/not working/current frustrations in your communications leadership. Depending on your need, the sessions may include:

Session 2: Creating a healthy new reality & overcoming the chaos

Text to come

Session 3: Creating permission

Text to come

Session 4: Creating teams

Text to come

Session 5: Creating systems & processes that save you time and focus your communications

Text to come

Session 5: Creating plans that reach more people and transform more lives

Text to come

Session 6: Monitor, Review & adapt

Text to come

[Sign up now button]


Why Steve?

  • I’ve served at Crossway Church in Melbourne, Australia for 10 years and have led teams of creative and communications arts professionals for over 20 years in the wider marketing and communications sector.
  • I love helping ministry leaders amplify their ministry through creating effective and powerful communications strategies.
  • My default position is to build teams and unleash them into their full potential in whatever creative communications focus they have.
  • I’m an advocate for helping those who are new to the Christian faith find easy on ramps to disciple like steps like serving, growing, giving, and fulfilling their God-given missional potential
  • I’m a ministry communications guide who helps leaders focus on the right areas to get their maximum return on ministry.
  • In August 2015 as a realization of our digital and social media strategy I launched Crossway’s online campus which currently averages over 2,300 people attending each week from 80 different countries.
  • In twelve months through an intentional social strategy I grew our social audience from 13,000 to over 71,000

[Sign up now button]

Who should sign up?

  • Communication Co-ordinators, Managers or Directors
  • Social media managers
  • Church planters
  • Creative Ministry Leaders
  • Executive Pastors
  • Senior Pastors
  • Lead Pastors

Now what?

I only have capacity for six people every term. I want to give the right amount of focus to those that are being coached. Once I’m at capacity. I’m done.

Simply fill out the form below and I will email you an invoice and some briefing notes. Once payment is fulfilled I will send you your assessment review. We will also schedule your sessions.

While there is a structure in our coaching sessions depending on what you want to cover we can focus on areas not outlined in the coaching plan.


Your investment

$750 per participant

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Bite-Sized Communication tips: Episode Two

Bite-Sized Communication tips

Welcome to episode two of my one minute bite-sized communications tips (It blew out to three minutes today - whoops). Today I talk about one of the common mistakes churches and non-profits make on social media. ...

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Bite-Sized Communication tips: Episode One

Bite-Sized Communication tips

I'm piloting a new idea this week. Each week I'm going to answer one question and post a short reply via video on a Wednesday (my time). It will be short and sweet. To the point. You could say bite-sized! There will be no fancy 'in-video' graphics or sales funnel asking you to buy something later. Just me answering your questions about marketing, strategy, communication, social media or web.

If you like this, let me know and I'll continue to do it. If not, that's cool. I do like the idea as it does save me time and I can talk quicker than I can type.


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6 Lessons About Social Media You Can Learn From My Failures

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I love social media. I written time and time again about the benefits of social media for non-profits and churches. I'm extremely passionate about it and if your sit down with me for a coffee and ask me about it, just sit back and get comfy. You'll be listening a while. One of the trends I've noticed is that I get quite a bit of attention as being an expert at social media for churches. It's not true, and here's why....

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Which Social Media Network Should You Start On?


We live in the social age where we have so many social choices. Because of the multitude of choices, one question I get from churches, non-profits and businesses is 'Where should I start?' Good question. It's not the same for everyone, and here's why....

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One Seismic Shift Churches & Non-Profits Need To Make Now In Social Media


One great recurring theme about social media is change. Change is constant and swift. If your social media plan was written in 2013 can may already be out of date with all of the recent shifts that have been going on. I have seen a many changes over the last year on social media, but there is one dramatic seismic shift that I want you to be able to plan for in social media that is coming in 2014/2015.

Is it a new social network? No, at least not this week. Has Facebook been sold to Murdoch already? Nope. This seismic shift will have more impact on you than any other change you will need to make if you are a church or non-profit....

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The Top 10 Outstanding Social Media Tips I’ve Seen This Week


I don't think I've got it all together when it comes to social media. I love to learn from others. A lot of what I share with you comes from those who share their social media tips with me. Here are ten of the best tips I've read up on social media in the last week....

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An Incredibly Powerful Insight About Facebook That Most People Don’t Know


No this isn't an over hyped post as the headline may suggest. It's actually a post that is incredibly useful for any Communications Directors or Social Media Managers who need help 'leading up'. This post is very, very useful especially if you have a boss/leader that doesn't really understand the power and potential of social media, and more specifically in this case, for Facebook. ...

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How To Develop The Perfect Social Media Strategy On A Shoestring Budget

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This blog post is one I've been holding back on for ages. Think one year and you are close time wise. Why? I don't know about you, but for some church leaders and Communications Directors, just mentioning the word 'social media strategy' can bring feelings of a bored, glazed over 'not interested' feeling, or feelings of inadequacy because they don't have it all figured out. Or more importantly, in some cases they simply don't have much of a financial budget to fund their social strategy.

But it needn't be that way....

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The Magic Formula For Social Media Success


Every successful fast food restaurant has a secret sauce or mystery ingredient that is that little bit special. KFC has the herbs and spices. McDonald's has that special sauce. Many 'experts' will tell you that Social media is no different. Naturally they want to sell tell you about what their mystery ingredient, secret sauce or magic formula is, so that you can be successful overnight on social media.

Want the inside scoop on my magic formula for social media success? Here it is....

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