An Online Course To Help You Launch & Grow Your Church Online

We live in a hyperconnected world where billions of people are only one click away from experiencing the life changing message of Jesus. And it could be from your church. Is your church ready?

The Launch & Grow Your Church Online course gives you tried and tested practical strategies to launch and grow your church online.

Make this year the biggest growth year in the life of your church by launching your church online.

12 Practical Sessions

The Launch & Grow Your Church Online course will show you how to vision cast, plan, recruit and reach more people online and transform lives. You can do the course at your own pace.

No theory – Just experience

Each session leads you through the practical steps it takes to launch and grow a church online and reach people like never before. This isn’t theory. You’ll be given the building blocks from start to finish.You’ll be taught from well-worn experience in the trenches online pastor and leader.

Focused delivery

You don’t just get top level insights or tips. You go down deep into the practical strategies of planning, vision casting, building and starting your online campus.

Join the launch-list

When you join the launch-list and sign-up you can I’ve created a free introductory training video where I outline the three essential ingredients to launch & grow your church online.

Watch Video – 3 Essential Ingredients To Launch & Grow Your Church Online

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