The reason why I’ve been blogging over the last 6 years is to help those like you who are in the trenches in be more effective in communicating the gospel.

Another obvious passion that I write about all the time is leveraging social media for the gospel. I love finding new hacks, discovering tactics and strategies that help churches reach new audiences on whatever platform they are on.

Now I’m taking it to a whole new level of intensity and value to grow your reach. The Social media coaching will via Skype or zoom.

• 5 sessions. one hour each time. 

• There will be homework to do. You will have action items out of each of the sessions. 

• Coaching content will be curated to your needs after a short email Q&A before the first session.

Session 1 will start with:

Tell us about your context, and what issues do you face in your social media. From there we will solve your most pressing issues and talk content strategy, ideas and delivery. 

Bottom line. I want to help you/your church create social media that your church congregation loves, and that reaches people far from Christ.

Total investment USD$585.00 

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The social media coaching group will be one-on-one so you will get the absolute 100% attention you need. I’m limiting enrolment to 4 people during the first term so that everyone gets what they need out of their coaching sessions.

I don’t do an outline of the sessions before the discovery Q&A, as I like to start where you are at, rather than where I think you should be at. 

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