Church Communications: Connecting Or Noise?

Hyper-connection is redefining community and how people connect and communicate. It's redefining culture and how humans relate. Jesse Rice upacks this in his new book – Church Of Facebook.

Here are some staggering facts from Socialnomics:

  • Over 50% of the world's population is under 30.
  • Facebook added over 200 million users in less than a year. 
  • Facebook's fastest growing demographic is women between 55-65.
  • The world's no. 2 search engine is YouTube. YouTube didn't exist six years ago.
  • 78% consumers trust peer recommendations.
  • Only 14% trust advertisements.
  • Only 18% of TV adverts generate positive return on investment.
  • Gen X and Y consider e-mail passe. Some universities have stopped giving out email accounts.
  • 50% of mobile internet traffic in the UK is for Facebook.
  • 78% Millennials consider themselves spiritual, not religious. 65% that call themselves Christian rarely pray, go to church or read the bible. 

Now. Take a breath. 

How is your church connecting with those under 30 years old, many who don't go to church and even those that do? (and those women over 55)

Advertisement? Website? Email? 

Are we connecting or just part of the noise?

Are we adapting our communication channels to those we are trying to reach?

What do you think works?

Oh, check out the updated video from Socialnomics. It's brilliant.


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1 comment

  1. At 22 years-old I consider myself part of Generation Y, but sympathetic to the Millennials. I am deeply concerned that the decline of twenty-somethings in the church will do irreparable damage to the structure of churches in the coming years.
    Those who have stayed involved in the church often find themselves overlooked. As a result, it is usually necessary for them to find their own voice, re-brand themselves and proactively pursue what they want and need from their churches.
    Regardless of the communications mix used to reach this audience, the simple fact remains that the message still needs to be relevant to them. Beyond that that; “forms follows function”.

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