Book Giveaway: Church Marketing 101

I've been a church communications guy, aka church marketing guy for just a few short years and I've been giving away some of the books that I've found formative in my thinking. Church Marketing 101 by Richard Reising is another one of those books. 

Just like the last two week's book giveaway (week 1, week 2) I think Church Marketing 101 is so good that I'm putting my money where my big Australian mouth is. I'm giving away a copy of the book.

Complete these two simple steps and it could be yours:

1) Retweet this message or post it to your Facebook page: ' I'd love 2win a copy of Church Marketing 101 by @richardreising via @stevefogg

2) Leave a comment below including your Twitter handle or Facebook link so I can contact you if you are the winner. It would be great to hear from you on how it could help you in what you do. 

I'll be announcing the winner on Saturday 10th July 2010 on this post (EST Australia Time). For the rest of you, you can buy the book here and here. PS. I'm stumping up the dough for this. There is no behind the scenes marketing going on. It's just a great book.

(Richard blogs at Beyond Relevance, twitters at @richardreising, you can find a DVD resource on his book site)

******** The winner nominated by is…. @sodgers CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ********

:: Follow me on Twitter, come and say G'day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you'll have to do the leg work on that one).


  1. Hey Steve,
    Here is my facebook link –
    I’m very interested in this resource as I look to plant a church among young adults in 2011. A lot of what people do regarding ministry to 20 somethings is ‘marketing’ and branding and the like. Am keen to see how a book like this could help me in setting up our brand (we’ll be called ‘The Hub’) and the like.
    Great blog!

  2. Hey Steve, I’d like to hear what parts of the book impacted you most.
    I’m also curious if you found the book to be a bit dated or incomplete considering it was published more than 4 1/2 years ago before social media or mobile became such an important part of church communications.

  3. I’m already a big fan of Beyond Relevance so I’m sure Richard’s book is equally insightful. Until recently my church didn’t give much thought to “marketing” but the concept is rapidly gaining momentum and support. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway!

  4. I love to read and I love the church and I love marketing…so I think I’d love to read this book! Thanks for the good stuff on the blog!
    Darrelbob on twitter

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