Is Your Church A Carbon Copy?
There is no other church in the world like your church. Yet, many churches look the same, feel the same, and even say the same things.
Some churches look the same for the wrong reasons. They imitate the largest church/most successful Pastor in their denomination because they think if they are doing it, then it must work. Maybe their Lead Pastor has seen something they like from another church or have a strong opinion about a creative angle.
Either way, it won’t work.
Don’t copy another communication style, design, typography or pithy, edgy copywriting because you think it’s cool and hip or because your Pastor says so.
I would go so far as to say – don’t even copy their name. I’ve seen it too many times. Every church wants to be a _______pointe, _______song.
This strategy sucks. Why?
Your church’s culture is different. The community your church serves is likely to be different. Discover first what your church’s culture is like, what your community looks like, and thinks is important. Start with whatever the felt needs are in your community, then start your creative process.
On the other hand, if you see something that you know will work in your community that another church has done, then that’s a completely different story. With the original church’s permission to use their ideas – go for it. Your church is a one of a kind and God created your church to be an original. Don’t be a carbon copy.
Now that you have thrown away your carbon copy, where can you start?
1. Read smart church communication leaders blogs & books. Here is a large list of communication guru's that can help.
2. Read what smart leaders outside of church are saying.
3. Look outside the church world for creative inspiration.
3. Lead with your strengths, get professional help with your communications & creative development. Here is a list of great people here who can help you.
So what do you think? Have you figured out a way to cure the Christian copycat that is in all of us? Where do you draw your creative and strategic communication inspiration from? Here are 10 tips on how to successfully rename or name your church.
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Could not agree with you more!!!