Why I’m A Recovering Information Overload Addict
My name is Steve and I'm a recovering information overload addict.
I love information. I can't get enough. My mind for full of really useful useless stuff. I am the factoid king.
I'm in recovery. I no longer check my analytics for this blog seven times a day (no joke). I no longer consume information for the sake of consuming. I don't answer every tweet. Every Facebook comment. Every blog post comment (I will answer your comments if you have something to say other than anything cliche).
As part of my recovery I'm re-reading Kem Meyer's book for the gazillionth time.
I'm going to be guest blogging later this week over at Ourchurch.com on a chapter of Kem Meyer's super-duper book Less Clutter. Less Noise (Which reminds me I better get the blog post written. ;-). I also did a guest post on Kem's blog just before Christmas and would love to know what you think.
While surfing today I found this post about what happened on the internet in 2010. Yeah, it may look like more useful useless information. I know I said I'm in recovery but I'm passing this information on to you because there actually is a significant point here for churches.
Just look at the numbers – they are breathtaking in their size and scale. It reminded me that there is even more clutter and noise than ever. We need to realise that there is a cost of clutter for churches. As church communicators we need to work even harder at making communications clearer and simpler than ever before.
Here is simple tool that I created last year to help you get clear & simple in your communications.
Over to you: How do you simplify communications?
You speak for many of us…we just didn’t have the transparency to put it out there. Great post. Glad I drove by!
Nice to know about you,You speak for many of us…we just didn’t have the transparency to put it out there. Great post. Glad I drove by!
Hey Steve,
I’m an Aussie pastor following the book review on http://blog.ourchurch.com/. It was through there that I just found your blog. Go figure!
I’ve just taken over responsibility for communications at my church. I’ll be reading your blog to see what I can learn!