12 Top Quality Free Church Graphics And Resources


Have you ever run out of time or budget to create custom graphics and needed some for your church? My design team are often be up against tight deadlines and can need a helping hand graphic design wise. Or you may be a small church or a church planter just starting out (you have a special place in my heart you kingdom entrepreneurs) and you don’t have the kind of support larger churches have.

You don’t have to reinvent the graphic design wheel every single time. There are many good reasons such as your designers being on holiday where you may need to use these free graphics that have already been created by churches and para-churches organisations.

Here are 13 top quality free church graphics I recommend:

Christian Pics

I’ve gotten access to five incredibly beautiful collections of free stock photos. All free. No sign-ups. Download them here.

(They also have a very budget friendly one-off super low rate under $50 to get all the stock photos in their library. They add 100 photos every month. Well worth checking out too).

NCL Creative


I love this site. It is every design hipsters design dream :). They have graphics for sermon series and some sweet motion graphics. Check out their website here.



I think this used to be called creativemyk.com, but it is now creationswap. They claim to be the number one free site on the web for church graphics. That is a big call, for me, it’s not about numbers, but about quality. They certainly have that and then some. Now they are trying to up-sell you to a premium paid model, but hey, there are still heaps of free quality graphics, motion graphics, videos, photos and much more here for you. Check out their website here.

Vintage Church Resources


They have kids graphics, artwork and sermon series branding and it’s all free. They say their mission is to help our mission (love that!) Check out their website here.

LifeChurch.tv Open


LifeChurch have been generously been giving away their graphics, motion graphics and many more resources for free for years. There are just too many to mention across all spectrums of creativity, communications and church leadership. Just because it’s free don’t think cheap or low quality. They give away the best of what they create. Brilliant! Check out their website here.



If you need sermon graphics and resources for your youth ministry to school or college students ministries this website has a truck load. Check out their website here.

Seeds From Church On The Move


Seeds have series artwork, videos, drama, music, motion graphics, kids and students resources and resources for staging, production gear… the list is long and valuable for practically anyone and everyone in the creative field. Check out their website here.



No, it’s not another LifeChurch.tv site, but a completely different free site which has some lovely graphics on there. Materials include sermon audio, countdowns, promotional design graphics and opening videos from a wide variety of message series and churches. Check out their website here.

Elevation Church resources


If you need younger contemporary graphics, videos, slides, curriculum for your latest sermon series, or kids church is what you are looking for then check these free resources out. I love what Elevation do and how they share it widely for free. Check out their website here.



This is a site I haven’t used yet (Sorry Brad), but at a glance they have some lovely graphics work here. Check out their website here.

250 Stunning Free Fonts


I discovered these fantastic free fonts. They are all super-high quality. Check them out here.

NewSpring Church resources


More sermon series graphics, student series, kids series, group studies, volunteer resources… take a breath (There are also heaps of resources for church leaders too). It’s all top quality work. And you can download it for free. Check out their website here.

CCV Resources


Again, the generosity of this church knows no bounds. They are giving all of their graphics away and a lot of their intellectual property too. Check out their website here.

Free Social Media Graphics

I’ve created some beautiful looking social media graphics your church can use. They are scripture posts. Copyright free and attribution free. Download them here.

520 Free Motion Graphics


I recently was looking for some motion graphics and found some amazing free motion graphics you can use for your church. Check them out here.


  1. Thank you so much Steve for the resources! I would love the sermon series graphics to use at my church because of two reasons: 1. I love what you are doing at Crossway and know that these resources are top notch! 2. I am the communications director at an awesome church in South Florida and I also do all of the graphic designing. Having artwork to pull from would be a HUGE blessing!

    Thanks Steve!


  2. We are an awesome new church plant with a big vision from God! I am the Connections Director and do the graphic design work and run the slide shows, and I work full time outside ministry. Sometimes, pre designed stuff is where it’s at for me!

  3. Wow! This is the Holy Spirit at work! I just admitted my fault and took a step in continuing my education in the graphic design field. This area is definitely something I am not very comfortable in, yet I know it is where the church needs me to be strong. The sermon graphics you are giving away will help me find inspiration (and start thinking graphically) and will also give me time to work on my skills.

  4. [email protected]
    why i need the resources:
    1. PleaseI need the resources to help me with a new church plant i lead in Nigeria
    2. Having it will save me cost and also ensure excelence than what obtains here
    Thank you so much

  5. I would love these resources because 1) they were made by you and your awesome team!
    2) I’m the solo pastor of a small church in Alabama and have no help and no budget!

  6. I would love these free resources so I can continue to help our church be free from nasty clip art and dated graphics. It’s a daunting task but someone has to do it!!

  7. I use Keynote presentations during my sermons. The men tell me, “More graphics, fewer words.” They love to see stuff on the screen and it keeps them engaged with the sermon.

  8. Hi Steve. These church resources are awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to compile them.

    You know, as a spiritual and creative exercise, I take some time every weekend to take a gospel reading and turn it into a sermon type graphic. I usually just post them to FB and Instagram, but I started thinking that the church in general might benefit from them as well.

    With that in mind, I added a few of the many graphics that I’ve created to a “freebies” page on my site. Hopefully they are a blessing to the church and to your blog readers. Thanks again!

  9. Seriously, where has this post been all my life? I’d found Creationswap which I’ve used a couple of times for graphics, but all the others are new to me – thank you SO much for sharing this post!

  10. Steve Thanks so much for including ChurchMediaDesign.tv in this post. Just wanted to let you know that just under a year ago we relaunched the site as ChurchMediaDrop.com – “Free Media From Churches for Churches”. This new site also any church to submit content to share and resources other churches. If you have time to update that would be great. If not, no worries!

  11. Hi Steve
    My husband and myself are just beginning a new church in a village and would like to set up a web page. We have just registered a domain name via Go Daddy and wondered which is the best company in your opinion to go with to set up a Christian website. Do we have to plan it with Go Daddy if we got the domain name from them or is there a different one. We are trying to keep costs at a minimum so if there is a free or cheap way of doing it we would love to know.
    I’ve found your articles very interesting and helpful so far but I just need a bit more guidance in this area as I haven’t ever set up a web page but always wanted to 🙂
    Thanks so much

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