What You Need To Know About The Update To The Facebook Pixel
The Facebook Pixel is getting an update. I don’t know about you, but when Facebook says ‘update’ it usually sends a small shudder down most marketers spines. Is this some kind of reduction in the Facebook Pixel’s superpowers? Is Facebook looking for yet another way to squeeze more dollars out of our marketing budget?
Oh, the update is coming in fast. The update rolls out on October 24 2018.
It’s a cryptic update called “a first party cookie option.” Yaaaaaaawnnnn. BOOOR-RRRring,
Firstly, don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. There is no impact on your marketing dollar.
From a pixel perspective the change is simply this. You can now decide to use the pixel for:
A) Advertising and analytics purposes; or
B) Analytics only.
Advertising and analytics purposes
This is the default option and will be the way you continue to use it unless you ask to change.
Analytics only
You can now choose to use your Facebook pixel for analytics only. However you can use this option if your pixel isn’t associated with an ad account.
So what does it all mean?
Facebook is just now giving you options. For most of you are already using the Facebook pixel for some kind of advertising. Just keep going!
When it comes to the cookie part of the update, the main focus is around the issue of third party cookies and how the information is being shared. Some say it may be a reaction to Apple’s update to Safari. I think it maybe that they are just getting ahead of any privacy and transparency issues in the future.
You can apparently now use both first party and party party cookies associated with your Facebook pixel. The difference between those cookies is in who owns the cookies. First party cookies are owned by the website a person is viewing. While third party cookies are owned by someone other than the website owner the person is viewing. Go with the default option for both first and third party cookies.
Again its not a big deal, but in Facebook’s position of openness and transparency they are flagging every single change they are making.
Now if you’ve come this far – congratulations. There is one small loose end you may need to clear up now. Legally, you need to clearly state how you are using the data on your website in your privacy policy. Have you already done that yet?
I did a podcast last year with Brady Shearer on Facebook Ads where I talked about the Facebook Pixel extensively. Listen to to Brady’s podcast here.
You can check out Facebook’s step by step guide to the pixel update here.