7 Mistakes You Should Avoid On Your Church Website

Over the last three weeks I’ve been visiting literally hundred’s of church websites for a new project.  There was a consistent theme that I saw on many that I visited. So I thought I’d share with you on what NOT to do on your own church website.

1. Don’t treat your church website like it’s your front porch

Did you know that people check your church out online before they come along? You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. Our church’s web traffic sometimes peaked at over 60% new traffic.

Knowing that, how does that change your:

• homepage design
• The type of content on your homepage
• Your copywriting (Read my post 7 Ways To Improve Your Writing For The Web)

2. Don’t give your church a chance to welcome guests again on social.

I visit more church websites than most people. I’m curious and also passionate about the capital C church communicating more effectively. I’m always stunned by the vast majority of churches that don’t have Facebook Pixels on their websites. If you were a business you would literally leaving money on the table. As a church you are leaving an incredible opportunity to create a warm and friendly video and retargeting a video on Facebook to your potential visitor.

Don’t leave this opportunity on the table. Check out my Facebook ads for Churches course if you want to learn about how to put a Facebook Pixel on your Church website and create retargeting videos. There are many step by step practical videos in the course that will help you connect more effectively with your wider community and visitors to your church website.

Learn more about my Facebook Ads Course For Churches here.

3. Only communicate with those who attend your church

Churches are getting better at this issue, but I still see it more than I’d like. The homepage often has copywriting on it that isn’t directed towards a visitor. A church often uses churchy language to describe something that could be said in plain English. 

4. Make your services times and locations hard to find

This is all too common still. Make it simple and easy for your visitors to find your church on a map and what time to show up. 

5. Make giving the most prominent button on the site menu

This is a pet peeve of mine. I still see many churches do this. They make the giving menu in bold when the rest of the text is a light font. To a visitor it communicates that your church’s priority is money.

6. Mobile? What’s that! 

I still see websites that aren’t responsive to tablets and mobile phones. I made the call a few years ago just as mobile was becoming more prominent to encourage churches to switch to mobile friendly formats. Check out some examples of mobile church websites here.

7. Make Me Work Really Hard To Find Key Events

My wife and I recently tried to find an upcoming event on a church website. It was so hard to find. It was for an event that would cost hundreds of dollars and is one of the big events of the year. Prioritise you main events and have a calendar in your top menu so its easy to search for these key events.

Further reading: 7 Lessons I Learnt Launching Our Responsive Church Website

Your Turn

What other common mistakes have your seen on church websites? And how should they be fixed? Comment below. 


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