7 Great Online Speaking Tips For Church Leaders From An Experienced Preacher
My friend Pastor Karl Faase is an experienced speaker/preacher both on TV and online. He has created a great short video that will help you when you or your church leaders communicate online.
You may have the BEST technical set up. But it could not reach it’s full potential by a lack of experience on camera. If you are new or experienced in speaking straight to camera do yourself a favour and watch this. Karl is a master presenter.
7 Hints for Speaking to Camera from Olive Tree Media on Vimeo.
Karl and his team have produced in my opinion one of the best apologetic series about Jesus and how he changed the world. Beautiful production values and obviously Karl does a great job of speaking to camera and also interviewing some incredible guests who you would know. Check it out here.
They are on season two now, which is just as good.
If you missed my summary about How To Get Your Church Online Quickly’ you can read it here.