Why I Blog – And Why I Need Your Feedback Now


I've been blogging about communications, marketing and social media for churches since 2009. I remember starting on TypePad with no code experience and very little web design chops. I remember being so excited at finally investing my own money in this domain name and swapping over to WordPress....

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American Church Needs To Stand Up For Innocent Lives Lost By Firearms


My thoughts and my prayers are with those who suffered at the hands of the killer this weekend in Aurora Colorado. It is a senseless act of extreme violence that will impact not just the 12 families of those who were killed but also the 60 people and their families who were injured in the shooting.

As someone who lives outside of the USA it seems to make no sense what so ever that the gun laws in the USA are so relaxed. That there seems to be a mass shooting with regularity often in schools and universities and now in a movie theatre. My question to the State and Federal Government is when will you learn?...

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