4 Important Crisis Communications Lessons From The United Airlines PR Disaster
Crisis communications should be an essential part of any organisation’s planning. There are two essential types of crises.
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Let me help you overcome your obstacles to achieve your goals.
Before we meet you will receive an assessment tool so that we can focus in on the areas that matter to you the most.
Six x 60 minute one-on-one tailored coaching sessions personally led by Steven Fogg through online chat video like Zoom, Skype or Facetime.
Each coaching session will include practical takeaways and resources that you will be able to implement.
Session 1: assessment
Share what is working/not working/current frustrations in your communications leadership. Depending on your need, the sessions may include:
Session 2: Creating a healthy new reality & overcoming the chaos
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Session 3: Creating permission
Text to come
Session 4: Creating teams
Text to come
Session 5: Creating systems & processes that save you time and focus your communications
Text to come
Session 5: Creating plans that reach more people and transform more lives
Text to come
Session 6: Monitor, Review & adapt
Text to come
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I only have capacity for six people every term. I want to give the right amount of focus to those that are being coached. Once I’m at capacity. I’m done.
Simply fill out the form below and I will email you an invoice and some briefing notes. Once payment is fulfilled I will send you your assessment review. We will also schedule your sessions.
While there is a structure in our coaching sessions depending on what you want to cover we can focus on areas not outlined in the coaching plan.
$750 per participant
4 Important Crisis Communications Lessons From The United Airlines PR Disaster
Crisis communications should be an essential part of any organisation’s planning. There are two essential types of crises.
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Qantas Makes A Complete Hash Of Social Media Tweet Campaign
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse for Qantas. Their brand took a further nose dive today (excuse the pun). They had a go at relaunching their battered reputation though starting a competition on Twitter on the day after their negotiations broke down with their airline pilots.
Really bad timing. ...
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4 Simple Ways To Destroy Your Own Brand In One Day
Qantas is one of Australia's most prestigious brands. It is the national airline. It has had an extremely high-profile and enjoys the reputation of being one of the safest airlines in the world (It also trades off this fact). Aussies have had a national love affair with Qantas over the years. Its logo is also one of Australia's national symbols and many consider part of their national identity.
Today Alan Joyce and the executive management of Qantas just ended that love affair and mauled the airline's brand equity and it's reputation in one day....
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5 PR lessons I’ve Learnt from Google And It’s Engineers
Yesterday a Google+ engineer mistakenly hit the wrong buttons on his keyboard in a message that was meant for Google staff ended up being posted to his Google+ page (Check out the full post here). I don't know about you but there have been times when I have typed a response on email to something I didn't like but after the initial vent I have deleted the email and approached the person directly. Phew! (By the way come and say hello on my google+ page).
Here are 5 PR lessons I think we can all learn out of this:...
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6 lessons I’ve learnt from media work this week
The last two weeks have been very focused on time intensive media issues that our church has been taking a lead in. Public relations (PR) isn't my strongest point, but I love engaging with the press.
My role has been setting up the various media and preparing our message to ensure we stay on message.
Here are some of the media outlets Crossway has had coverage on:...
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How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 4
What Sarah Ferguson Can Teach Churches About PR Disasters
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The Google Job Experiment
Post which includes brilliant video on how to use Google Adwords to reach your audience
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5 Smart PR Tips From Hillsong Church
Hillsong is Australia's largest church and usually gets a hard time from the mainstream media in Australia. Last night Hillsong was featured on national TV on Channel Seven's Sunday Night program. Hillsong's Senior Pastor, Brian Houston was the main focus of the interview.
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How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 3
How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: What to do if someone fails.
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How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 2
Social Media Can Be A Recipe For A PR DisasterThere has been a lot of blogging about the incredible benefits that social media can have for churches. I've blogged about it many times. Its ...
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How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 1
Tips on How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church
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