5 Smart PR Tips From Hillsong Church

I've been blogging about church PR disasters and the mayhem that can follow. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).

Hillsong is Australia's largest church and usually gets a hard time from the mainstream media in Australia. Last night Hillsong was featured on national TV on Channel Seven's Sunday Night program. Hillsong's Senior Pastor, Brian Houston was the main focus of the interview.

Was the interview a PR disaster or a success? Make your own mind up. Watch the short video here.

What can we learn from the interview?

1) Be prepared for leading and probing questions – Think through carefully ahead of time how you would answer them.

2) Talk about what Jesus thinks – Don't offer your own opinion on moral issues. It is what Jesus thinks about the moral issues that counts.

3) Give full disclosure if asked - If you are asked a probing question about a issue normally considered private such as money or your family's past, don't avoid it. Privacy isn't the issue, a willingness for honesty, openess and transparency is. Show the reporter you have nothing to hide.

4) Don't be afraid to take people behind the scenes Brian took the reporter behind the scenes which showed the church off in a really positive light. You could see the sincerity and heartbeat for Jesus in the church and in his family.

5) Be yourself Sounds obvious but Brian was no different in this interview to any other time I've seen him on TV. People can see through any kind of act or perfomance. He just came across as an Aussie guy passionate about Jesus and the church, conflicted and upset about his dad and totally head over heals in love with his family.

What do you think?

Was the interview positive? How did you think Brian Houston came across?

Related posts
How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 1
How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 2
How To Avoid A PR Disaster At Your Church: Part 3


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  1. this was my tweet after the screening of this the other night: praying that #Hillsong would stand firm in X, grow in the knowledge of His truth and ever more continue to preach Christ & him crucified. v. thankful for what i saw on the show.
    I think with your pt 5 Steve, i’d have to say he did seem a little more uncomfortable than most public appearances… but that was him being himself . He said it himself he was weary of the interview.
    To be honest I think Monique came across the worse for this interview not Hillsong. She was very hostile.

  2. Dumb arse business.
    Never read such biased bullshit in my life.
    It was a puff piece.
    Hillsong is Definately not Australia largest church.

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