Church Marketing Everything
Church Marketing Everything
Every act of compassion.
Every incident of sex abuse.
Every act of love.
Every abuse of power.
Every act of kindness.
Every loss of temper.
Every cent raised for a good cause.
Every abortion clinic Dr who is murdered.
Every addict who has overcome an addiction.
Everything we say.
Everything we do.
Everything we are.
It's all church marketing. Jesus marketing.
We are all marketing the church whether we believe it or not.
You can have the best website, brochure, first impressions ministry, lattes, social media or pastor. But if your church doesn't reflect who you are, what you say or do as Christ's ambassadors – you've got nothing but one fat empty hollow promise.
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nice! so is the murdering Drs on your good list or bad list?
I love this! When people think of church marketing they think of the applied efforts of the organization. A church is a group of people united in community by their relationship with Jesus. So, yes, what an individual does is as much church marketing as what the organization does. I wrote a post inspired by your post: