The Power & Effectiveness Of Personal Invitation
One of the biggest myths out there is that larger churches have it all figured out from a church communications persepective when communicating with local communities. The reality is that every church large or small can communicate with their local community on the same level. Every church already has the most powerful and effective communications tool and communications asset there is.
Your most powerful and effective communications asset is your congregation. The elderly, young families, young adults, youth or children are all the best and most authentic communication asset you have available.
Your most powerful and effective communications tool is personal invitation by your congregation. When they invite their friends, families, workmates. Nothing beats it. It's highly effective.
You can spend thousands of dollars on direct mail postcards and get a very low percentage positive response in return (under 2%). This is actually considered a good result. You'll spend thousands of dollars buying the address lists, printing the cards and mailing them. All for an incredibly low rate of return.
It just doesn't compare to the power of a friend inviting a friend to come along to church (They can use the same postcard). The sucess rate is far higher with people saying yes. But so much more than that, the new person who comes along has a guide who will help them navigate their first experience at church. They will also be there to answer any questions their friends have, or even connect them into their smaller church community such as a life group.
So how can your church do it?
Example 1
Print a invitation card at least a month out from your advertised event. It could be a new sermon series, baptism, or a baby dedication.
Equip and educate your congregation on the power of inviting their friends to church using the invite cards. Ensure you have the cards available for them to pass on when you talk about it.
(In Australia you can print 5,000 postcards for as little as $500)
Example 2
Shoot a video advertising your event with a strong call to action to inviting congregations friends to church. Upload it to Facebook or YouTube.
Equip and educate your congregation on the power of inviting their friends to church using the videos. Demonstrate and show them how to invite their friends via facebook or YouTube.
Recap: Your most powerful and effective communications asset is your congregation. Your most powerful and effective communications tool is the power of the personal invitation by your congregation.
What communication tools do you use to invite people to church?
Whats worked for you? What hasn't worked?
Personal invitation carries power…some things we never outgrow – it worked in Jr. High and all too often we as a adults forget its power as we age. Praying the Church remember its power and utilize it…
I agree, the best marketing tool is the congregation. Equipping them with training and an invitation tool works. I have experienced this first-hand many times.
There is a problem however. Culture. Many churches struggle with an internal church culture where they are complacent about inviting their friends. It can also be a lack of confidence. When people are confident that the event or the “service” is done with excellence and will actually speak to their friends – then they will invite without hesitation. They hesitate when they lack confidence.
What do you think?
One thing we are attempting to do at our church is enforce the idea that they are the missionaries and need to take Kingdom ownership over their network of influence.
There will always be a percentage that are complacent; but we just have to pray that God will stir them to action.