Sermon Series Graphics Giveaway: I’m Doing An Oprah
In honour of the lady herself, I couldn't resist the idea of surprising to all of the many, many people that responded last week to the sermon series graphics giveaway. (You can Oprah-cise yourself too on Oprah's website).
I was so overwhelmed by your response that (instead of giving just the two copies away like I had intended) I decided to give a copy away to everyone who commented.
Every. One. Of. Them. *queue audience going silly*
I've emailed everyone who commented in the post (comments are now closed) a link where you can download the file. The link will only be open for a 24 hours so get download it before the link expires.
If you are looking for more free sermon series resources check this post out.
If you missed out, come back to my blog next Monday. I'll have another giveaway then. If you are an infrequent visitor to this blog I highly recommend you follow me on Twitter, come and say G'day on Facebook, get regular updates via my RSS feed or stalk me in person in Melbourne (you'll have to do the leg work on that one) to find out when I do my giveaways.
The photo is priceless. Ha ha! Thanks for the freebie, Steve. It’ll be a great resource.
Man, that was a fright lol! Thanks for the free giveaway! May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you a hundred fold.