Get Schmart Conference: Jeffrey Hayzlett
Session 1 notes: Marketing and change
- Admits to being one of the 10 people from South Datoka 😉 and being on celebrity apprentice.
- Lesson from Kodak’s demise: They discovered the digital camera, but rejected the idea. Don’t be afraid to change.
- To the naysayers, opportunities and obstructionists who stand in the way of driving change and process.
- Somewhere in the west or in a company near you change is coming.
- It is uncomfortable to drive change in any organisation – you have to run the gauntlet
- Adapt, change or die
- Change for change sake is bad “There is nothing wroing with change if it is in the right direction” Winston Churchill
- We are all agents of Change
- Two types of leaders
- Clock changers – We need people who take initiative and don’t wait to be told what to do.
- Lions – They wait for everything to come to them.
- Be the clock changer, not a lion
- Your boss is looking for someone to problem solve not problem seek.
- Why companies and organisations fail:
- Fear – Don’t be afraid to try someone new. DOn’t be afriad to be a beginner.
- Tension – Healthy debate is good. Our job is to cause healthy tension.
- Radical transparency – we need to be able to talk about the elephants in the room. Elephants are fun to kill and taste good 😉 An elephant will gain weight if you don’t deal with it.
- Take a risk. No one is going to die. If you are going to make a mistake make it big!
- Promises. Keep and make your promises. Ensure mutual conditions of satisfaction. Ensure that give people what they need when you’ve promised it.
- The action cycle – offer > Agreement > performance > delivery & acceptance
- Why are you doing what you are doing? Who are you. What is your pitch?
- What makes you unique? what is your 118? 8 seconds if the average attention span of an adult. 110 average elevator ride in NYC
- A passion for Pheasants. What is your passion?
- What shall you look like?
- Kodak weren’t in the film business they were in the emotional technology business.
- What is your brand? Horses… cows. Or a promise delivered
- Do it Right
- What do you stand for? online and offline.
- Be the brand guardian.
- Cause tension
- Don’t settle for second best with your brand. Be original, creative, authentic & true to your own brand voice.
- Change the mood. What is the mood of your organisation? Grumpy? Optimistic?
- Change the questions. Ask the right questions. Make it better in the new place.
- Successful organisations believe their best days are yet to come.
- Everyone organisation needs an enemy. A cause to rally around. Find the enemy, fight it and defeat it, together.
- Battle brings out their best
- Educate and lead.
- Obnoxious twitters are twankers.
- Who is your Chief Listening Officer? Listen and participate.
- The mobile phone is the biggest marketing opportunity there is. Don’t blow it.