Why Success Is 99% Failure
Thomas Edison was a prolific inventor. He had over 1,093 patents to his name, but failed repeatedly in his attempts to invent the light bulb. He is reputed to have said after his multiple failures ...
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Let me help you overcome your obstacles to achieve your goals.
Before we meet you will receive an assessment tool so that we can focus in on the areas that matter to you the most.
Six x 60 minute one-on-one tailored coaching sessions personally led by Steven Fogg through online chat video like Zoom, Skype or Facetime.
Each coaching session will include practical takeaways and resources that you will be able to implement.
Session 1: assessment
Share what is working/not working/current frustrations in your communications leadership. Depending on your need, the sessions may include:
Session 2: Creating a healthy new reality & overcoming the chaos
Text to come
Session 3: Creating permission
Text to come
Session 4: Creating teams
Text to come
Session 5: Creating systems & processes that save you time and focus your communications
Text to come
Session 5: Creating plans that reach more people and transform more lives
Text to come
Session 6: Monitor, Review & adapt
Text to come
[Sign up now button]
[Sign up now button]
I only have capacity for six people every term. I want to give the right amount of focus to those that are being coached. Once I’m at capacity. I’m done.
Simply fill out the form below and I will email you an invoice and some briefing notes. Once payment is fulfilled I will send you your assessment review. We will also schedule your sessions.
While there is a structure in our coaching sessions depending on what you want to cover we can focus on areas not outlined in the coaching plan.
$750 per participant
Why Success Is 99% Failure
Thomas Edison was a prolific inventor. He had over 1,093 patents to his name, but failed repeatedly in his attempts to invent the light bulb. He is reputed to have said after his multiple failures ...
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The Search For a Church Management System: Part 2
In my first post on Church Management Systems I gave a summary of the whole project methodology. Let's dive in to what you should look at first. 1) The brief: What do we need to do? Churches ...
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My Top Church Websites This Easter
Every Easter I post a list of my favourite church websites. I am a designer and a communicator and I love seeing the best intersection of the two. The best design usually come from carefully crafted brief's from communications professionals. The websites I have selected are in my own opinion, at the top of that list. And there are some absolute crackers here....
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What do you dream about?
Imagine a church bulletin that could provide a magazine style layout. For free.
Imagine a church bulletin that could give you audio and video of previous sermons. For free.
Imagine a church bulletin that provide you with your church video news embedded into it. Yes you guessed it. For free.
Imagine if you could publish it. With global reach. For free....
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8 Great Christmas Church Websites I Like
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Christmas is one of my favourite times of year. I really enjoy seeing how churches creatively present the Christmas story on their website. Each year I do a bit of a review of some websites that I can find in the short time I have to blog. Here are eight of my favourite websites:...
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Stunning Research About What Australians Think Of Christian Faith
I love research. Why? Because I think out of good research comes increased understanding and an increased ability to connect with your primary target audience. That is why I particularly like the research about 'what Australians think of Christian faith' commissioned by Olive Tree Media and conducted by Mccrindle research.
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6 lessons I’ve learnt from media work this week
The last two weeks have been very focused on time intensive media issues that our church has been taking a lead in. Public relations (PR) isn't my strongest point, but I love engaging with the press.
My role has been setting up the various media and preparing our message to ensure we stay on message.
Here are some of the media outlets Crossway has had coverage on:...
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Mobile Web vs Mobile Apps – Should your church invest?
There is no doubt that mobile web and app development is a communications strategy that churches should be considering. Engagement on mobile and smartphones is explosive. Here are just a few of the statistics:
• 70% of the world's population have a mobile phone. In the U.S. its 9 out of 10. Yes, that stat includes children.
• Apple's iPhone has sold over 60 million phones to date, Google's Android platform has grown 886% in the last year and is expected to outgrow the iPhone in this calendar year.
• 53% of companies are expected already to have deployed iPhones....
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Church and Google+
Do you think Google+ can help churches?
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6 Simple Ways To Build Your Volunteer Communications Team
One of the perennial challenges I've been told of working in a church is working with volunteers and raising up new volunteers. Here's the thing. I've never had any major problems building my communications volunteer team.
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The Good, Bad & The Ugly: Christmas Billboards
Introducing The Good, Bad & The Ugly: Christmas Billboards
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21 Ways Your Church Can Leverage Social Media
Found this great post from the Social Media Examiner. I've amended the list (slightly) specifically for churches. I had never heard of number 21 and I'm chasing it down to see how I can ...
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